Advice on what plants I should add

Posted by H4SO_


  1. You could let it grow out. Your sand is nice so carpeting it would be a bit of a shame. Maybe some more houseplants along the back. You could get a wall of roots going

  2. LongjumpingYak4663 on

    Vallisneria, water wisteria, or Amazon swords gives a good bushy look to areas in your tank and are relatively low tech so they should grow as long as there’s good light and food. Hornwort and guppy grass is a nice floating plant as well and should cover up a lot of negative space at the top. And if you wanted to add some color id go with some rotala or ludwigia reds. Cryptocorene is another great option that actually have a brownish tint if your light is strong enough. Aside from plants i would add some kind of center piece decor like a big piece of driftwood. You could even go for a big stone like dragon or seiryu stony and add some anubias on that. Otherwise you could let the plants grow out as well and it would still be a beautiful tank.

    Edit: did not see you had the first two options already. The wisteria should grow in nice and thick so it should be relatively planted if you give it some time.

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