How to you guys feel about this??

Posted by Entire_Let9431


  1. Asianthunda5022 on

    I think one of the bigger things in it is that the FWC will be allowed to use hunting or culling as a preferred method of population control. For example if the bear population were to boom to the point where it is an issue again, the FWC will be allowed to open a bear season with a quota. There has been push back to this method in the past by animal rights groups.

    Feel free to correct if I’m wrong in this understanding.

  2. FishingAndDiscing on

    This sounds like something that isn’t needed and shouldn’t be voted on, but when someone votes opposed because its not needed, it will be used against them for being anti freedom.

  3. This is one of those things that doesn’t need to happen but the politicians want to pass it so they can campaign on “ensuring your rights”.

  4. CFB_NE_Huskers on

    So the state game and wildlife wouldn’t be able to enforce limits or procure license? That sounds like a horrible idea.

    Even with rules so many people break them and take under size or to many.

    The amount of people I’ve had ask me in remote Nebraska if I’ve seen the game warden so they can do some illegal shit is astounding. What they don’t know is I know the local game warden and have reported them directly to him through Facebook with pictures and license plate

  5. Scroty-McBoogerbawls on

    Feels performative. Like they are providing a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist for political points.

    My concern would be down the road they use this to roll back hunting and fishing conservation efforts that sustain the health of the sports in the name of “deregulation”.

  6. Ok-Spinach9948 on

    I love how everyone on here has an opinion yet nobody knows what the amendment actually says lol! It does not get rid of licensing.

  7. Immediate-Newt-9012 on

    I think everyone should have to pay for a fishing and hunting license as well as hunting tags for certain animals. It’s a great way to support the DNR of your area.

    If anything make fishing free but harvesting fish license oriented. I would rather it just be a fishing/hunting license that’s transferable from state to state.

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