Was slowly reeling in my line, and felt the bite from this half pound brown bullhead. Reeled him all the way in, along with a ton of grass and weeds. Went to go remove the hook but unfortunately he’d swallowed it. So I clipped the line as far into his mouth as I could go, then released him.

And then the twist: I turned around to start cleaning off my line and get a new hook, only to find my hook still attached. Turns out, what I had hooked onto was a tangle of old fishing line, and poor little buddy here had managed to swallow one of the two hooks that were attached to probably a yard or two of tangled fishing line.

Posted by GeneralChillMen


  1. Ass_Ketchum420 on

    I had the same thing happen to me with a catfish, pulled out a big channel cat and couldn’t get “my hook” out of his mouth so I clipped it as close to the hook as possible and tossed him back, then I noticed a big heavy weight attached to it that wasn’t mine, he had been swimming and eating with about 6 feet of line and lead weight hanging out of his mouth pulling on his stomach.

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