This 80 gallon is free with stand. Should I risk it?

Posted by orangekms


  1. i would. i just picked up a tank off marketplace with stains that looked like that. i used a spray made for taking salt off boats that i got for like 15$ off amazon and a straight razor blade to scrape. it came right off. just make sure to have more than 2 people available to move and load it

  2. yeah! especially the stand

    fill the tank outside and check for leak, add a pound of citric acid into the water and soak for a few days and scrap clean with credit card

  3. deadrobindownunder on

    Free tank? Hard Yes.

    No risk involved if you test it thoroughly. Worst case scenario, you have a sweet terrarium/greenhouse.

  4. I stay getting my tanks from market place. It’s free and like 50-100 to reseal honestly.

  5. I would take it. If it doesn’t leak, set it up and use it. If it does leak, sell it for a few bucks as a reptile tank.

  6. I would if i can for sure! But check for obvious cracks and test it when you get home.

    Or otherwise ask why they’re giving it away. Sometimes the reason doesn’t make sense, if that’s the case then i leave it.

  7. I just got 35 tall from a St Vincent de Paul store for 5 bucks. Never used. Can’t pass up good deals on tanks

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