I was looking to build my own stand for my 29 gallon and I’ve watched a video on how to do it and I’ve already picked out the type of wood I’ll be using, I was looking to make a stand where I could put the 29 gallon at the top and my 10 gallon in the middle with a small cabinet at the bottom to put my fish supplies into.

My question was wether I should build a stand for the 10 gallon and attach it to the 29 gallon or if I should just set the 10 gallon on the base board of the cabinet (reinforced with wood between it) or if I should totally scrap my idea and make a seperate stand for the 10 gallon?

I’ve attached the video I watched on how to build a stand and I’ve since measured everything out to go and get wood when I’m able to.

Posted by Blunt-Bitch-

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