He fought an uphill battle and he got to the top.
For a whole fortnight he was dreadfully sick. Death hanging, not eating, lethargy, clamped fins, fading in colour and drastic loss of tail fin to boot. I truly thought it was end of the line for him but he pulled through and he’s happier than I’ve ever seen him.

He’s exploring areas of his tank he never went before, he’s been lounging in his tunnel or plant (I do plan to get more (real) plants this weekend) instead of up the top of the tank up against the filter and overall he’s way more active and inquisitive than even before he got sick.

He’s even turned feeding time into a little game (or I like to think so anyways). He’ll wait on the opposite side of the tank to where I feed him and when I drop his pellet into the tank he’ll speed over as quick as he can to eat it and then go back to his starting position for the next one.

He’s just a happy little fish. His colour is back to that bright beautiful red I love so much, plus he’s sporting a lovely regrowth on his tail fin that’s only growing daily!

He’s not only “immortal” in name.
I’m so proud of him.


Posted by stasis351

1 Comment

  1. congratulations on a successful recovery! what a pretty little guy, I’m so glad he’s doing better. he’s very lucky to have you.

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