I ordered my betta online from a LFS but when I picked him up on the weekend I noticed he has something on his right side. The LFS staff said it’s a scar from an injury but it is fully healed. He is apparently around 5 to 6 months old. My LFS keeps their bettas in individual tanks with a heater and filter, gravel substrate and some smooth tunnel decor. Anyway, I did some searching and came across some similar looking pictures but the comments say it’s a tumor?? Now I’m freaking out. The patch is a bit raised when looking at it from behind. Other than this “scar”, my handsome boy is very active, eats well and spends a lot of his time exploring every inch of his tank.

So… is it really a scar? And if it is, will his scales grow back over time? Is there anything I should be doing?
Please also let me know if his fins are in good shape. I noticed that they are transparent around the ends.

Bot Questions:

Tank size: 10 gallon
Heater and filter? Yes to both
Tank temperature: 79 F
Parameters in numbers and how you got them: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 nitrates (API master test kit)
How long have you had the tank? 5 weeks (cycled within 27 days using Dr Tim’s ammonia and FritzZyme 7)
How long have you had your fish? 3 days
How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process? Will be doing 20% water change weekly and will gravel vac any debris. I currently spot clean throughout the day by removing any poop that I see with a turkey baster.
Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: No tankmates
What do you feed and how much: Alternating between Northfin Betta Bits and Fluval Bug Bites (feed 2x per day, around 3-4 pellets per feeding depending on size). Plan to feed frozen bloodworms once a week and fast on Sundays.
Decorations and plants in the tank: Silk plants, smooth resin tunnel, resin cholla wood, two betta leaf hammocks, a floating log, and some tissue culture anubias which are currently free floating. There are also 7 mini catappa leaves in the tank for tannins.


Posted by fayeriel

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