So last night I randomly noticed water on the floor, turns out my one bubbler tube came undone from the water stopper and it was leaking water all over the floor. I've never had the tubes come undone and shoot water out so I'm wondering why that could have happened? It's a very long bubble wall thing and it was clogged in a few spots but I've just never had a bubbler take on water like that and I'm curious why it could have happened and if the bubbler is still usable once the blockages are cleared? Or if this will be something I will have to worry about with this bubbler period. The bubble wall bubbler itself has two tubes connected to it, the one side was still connected so I wonder if it was just pushing water out.. but I've had one tube come undone before and it didn't do that so I'm confused ๐Ÿ˜ญ attached are photos the bubble wall and how it connects on each side for reference, I'm at work right now and do not have a photo of it, also I apologize if this isn't easy to understand as I said I'm at work and don't have time to post.. thank you in advance for any answers or advice!

Posted by xGarbage_Personx


  1. I think there is something you can attach to prevent the water coming out even if it detaches.ย 

  2. All bubblers have the risk of becoming a siphon if the air pressure goes away for any reason. As others have said, check valve in line will protect you from this, or just have the air pump above the tank with the hose taped down so it can’t fall and create a siphon.

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