The instructions said replace 1/3rd of the water weekly but shouldn’t I be replacing all the water and cleaning the tank?

Posted by peanutbutterand_ely

1 Comment

  1. You really don’t want to replace all the water.
    See, your tank has a colony of beneficial bacteria that live on the decor, in the filter and some of the water column.
    Those convert Ammonia to Nitrite to Nitrate, you don’t want to get rid of them as they basically keep your fish from killing itself as Ammonia (wich is very bad for fish) comes into the tank via Food, Poop and decay of organic matters in general.
    Completely changing all the water and scrubbing down the tank, can kill the cycle and in the long run harm your fish.

    Generally, i recommend you to read up on the Nitrogen cycle and good practices, like cleaning the gravel with a gravel-vacc for changing water.
    Also: Beginner me didn’t know to unplug the heater and filter during waterchanges. Don’t be Beginner me. I’ve melted a heater and it was not a fun experience. ^^

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