Does my new female betta have ICH?

Posted by Upper-Violinist6173


  1. Upper-Violinist6173 on

    She seems normal. Just got her yesterday and she was just enjoying the nice spot she had set up for her self but I noticed like three little white specs at the very tip of her fins. Two at the top and one was at one of her bottom fins at the very tip. I’ve separated her for now and I do have a 10 gallon hospital tank I could treat her in, but only I don’t want to if she doesn’t actually have it. I’m wondering if anyone else has these spiky type of betta and if they ever get little specs of debris at the very tips of their fins which might look alarming but are harmless? I don’t notice any specs on anywhere on her body beyond those three on the very tip of her spikes. The bottom one is now gone so it’s fallen off I guess? Idk I’ve never had spiky fish so maybe I’m worried over nothing.

    Edit: I’ve inspected the rest of the tank and it all looks good so if she does have it, she came with it.

  2. SucculentScience on

    That does not appear to be ich. Usually, white or clear tips on fins are just new fin growth.

  3. Upper-Violinist6173 on

    I was also freaked out by a single white spot I saw under her tail. After some further research it turns out the females have white egg tubes in that area when they’re ready to breed…. Totally new to this kind of fish so I got alarmed for no reason 😅

    Gonna add her back to the main tank now!

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