See my previous post here for what she looked like the day I got her. After 2 rounds of Kanaplex her popeye went away and she went from being pale yellow to this beautiful dark blue/brown with iridescent overtones. And bright blue eyes!!! I wasn't sure of her type before, but now believe she is a mustard gas betta.

I tracked her improvement not just with her color development, but also by how active she became as she got better. Last week I stopped feeding her more than a couple of pellets every other day, because she's been hunting all the bladder snails so successfully! Watch her take a shot at one in this video.

Yes she is definitely female, even with the long fins. Not only does she have no beard and an egg spot, but compared to a male mustard gas betta her full coloration is still fairly muted.

Posted by yduimr

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