This thing on his body is new and hasn't been before.what can it be and what should I do?
It's like a small white mole on hus body.Not a bubble or a pebble or whatever

Posted by Rei1313


  1. Just needed to say that there are no tank mates, I clean him once weekly or every 2 weeks (has a large tank and doesn’t cause a mess much)
    I feed him once a day , he’s active and reacts normally.
    No biological plants or other creatures.
    No trauma or any accidents
    I’m quite protective of him and I talk to him everyday ( I’ve had jumping out if the tank incidents of precious fish, and the only way I found to stop this is making them feel geard or whatever)
    There are no marine vets around so I’ll try my best to solve the issue on my own…

  2. Definitely doesn’t look like ick. If I’m not mistaken I’ve seen a previous post where someone had something similar on their bettas face and if reabsorbed over a day or too.

    It could also be a tumor. But since it’s more like a pimple it may go away on its own if his diet, tank and parameters are all optimal for his health. 🙂

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