Tried to make a trident

Posted by DrLota


  1. We use this kind of trident to catch Northern pikes where I live. I wanted to have one, so I made one. Well not all the parts, but most of it.

    – Forged spikes from spring steel wire. Not sure if that translation is correct but that steel is really strong and relatively flexible.
    – Welded way too sturdy frame for the spikes, because why not?
    – Tried bluing metal parts, but I fucked up. Used old motor oil and blowtorch. It was my first try ever and it didn’t work too well. Had to repeat process 3 times in different temperatures and still failed. At least it has some dark surface and I learned 3 different ways how not to do it next time.

    – Wooden handle is 28mm broom handle and I bought it.
    – Burned the surface with blowtorch.
    – Oiled it few times with linseed oil.
    – Used beeswax to finish it.

    I know welding looks ugly, but it should hold up. I think I ran out of protective gas in my dad’s

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