I am devastated. I did absolutely everything I possibly could to give my puffers the best life. I rescued them a few months ago from someone who was about to flush them as noone would take them.

They had ramshorn snails they loved munching, their belly was always full and happy and round at least once a day, whether they fed themselves on snails or I fed bloodworms or brine shrimp occasionally.

I went away for a week. I left the tank on a light timer. Filter and heater running perfectly. Freshly cleaned gravel. Tank full of snails. Water parameters perfect, 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and a small amount of nitrates (live planted tank) PH 7.5 when I left. I've come back to two tiny skeletons and alot less snails. Lots of empty snail shells so I can't see them starving. Alot of the time I went to feed them, I left it as their tummies were round from snail hunting, so i can't imagine it's sudden dislike for the snails.

I'm absolutely heartbroken. I booked someone to come and feed them and was told by my local fish people that they would be fine for a week with their snails, so I cancelled it.

The water parameters are the same as when I left – zero ammonia, zero nitrites, trace nitrates BUT the PH is a good 8.5-9 now.

They must have died a while ago to be completely decomposed and the ammonia cycle to have ran through, right? What on earth could have happened? I adored these little guys, they had a brand new huge tank, JUST finished cycling for them, for me to add a few more puffers to their pack. Both tanks are just sat empty now 💔

The few people I've told, have just told me I can get some more. I know I can. But I'm heartbroken about these two, they had great personalities, always straight to the glass when I came near, one played in the airstone every so often too. I bloody loved them. I feel so guilty.

Posted by sammharley

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