Actually I’m not even sure if he’s sick or if there’s something else wrong with him. He’s at the surface of the water at all times, not moving. I figured he’s gasping for air, my tank is dealing with a pretty bad bacterial bloom at the moment. Just put an air stone to improve aeration so he can have enough oxygen. It didn’t help much and he’s still very lethargic so there’s definitely something going on. It’s not his usual behavior, he used to be very happy and active!

I have him for two months now, did a major tank cleaning last week and the water is undergoing cycling (again) which explains the bacterial bloom. I already tested the water, ammonia and nitrites levels are fine. Ph is normal too, in the range of 7.0-7.2. He has a heater and it’s set to 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Posted by bananaslays


  1. Also forgot to add, he’s barely eating too. Tried feeding him bloodworms and he’s very uninterested which was unusual

  2. How exactly did you clean his tank?! If your tank is cycling then you had to have cleaned everything with tap water or some tool that was contaminated with something that killed all your beneficial bacteria!

    The biggest thing here is that it seems like you cleaned your tank way too much and messed up the cycle and now all you can do now is wait for your tank to recycle and keep a close eye on the water parameters

  3. I don’t have advice sadly but I hope your fishy feels better soon & goes back to acting like his regular self!

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