I’ve been using this method for a while, thought I’d share. Same siphoning principle of keeping the water to go in the tank above the tank itself. Draining hands free is easy of course; just secure the siphon on both ends with the bucket on the floor.

Don’t have to worry about disturbing substrate by pouring it gently or straining your body 🙂

Any other HF junkies in here? This is what I use my free buckets for!

Posted by pglggrg


  1. I’ve read about people using long hoses and electric pumps on here. My water changes looked like yours but damn that gets old and just finding a spot for some hoses sounds simple enough

  2. My first suggestion would be enomol Gravel Vacuum that you can hook onto a quick release that you screw on your faucet which can such out water and put it back in very quickly. Just need to make sure you pretreat your tank with de-chlorinator before you add the water back in.

  3. No_Figure_9073 on

    Lol I use a small pump and a hose, also hands free and easy just plug and play both ways 🤣

  4. twibbletrouble on

    I’ve been thinking about trying a fountain pump. But I’m not sure which one isn’t going blast water into my tank like a rocket, so I’m still in the research stage, which is just looking at water pumps on Amazon like 🤨🤔

    I can’t do a sink to tank hose thing because my well water is bricks and I have to get buckets of RO from the store.

  5. You can get an aquarium pump on Amazon and connect it to a 25-50ft hose. Sure makes my life easier not carrying buckets when doing water change.

  6. PlasticPiccollo on

    I have an adaptor that goes from my bathtub to a long outdoor hose, it’s back and forth without any effort using syphon. You’ll never look back

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