Please help! My betta fish is hurt

Posted by Commercial_Bridge520


  1. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    Can you give a little more information? Tank parameters, size, heated filtered, any tank mates, diet, etc. Was this a quick injury or a slowly progressing one? Symptoms? Fast breathing, won’t eat, less swimming?

  2. TheLostBean4646 on

    Hey! So unfortunately he looks like he has severe finrot.

    I HIGHLY recommend buying the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. You NEED to watch and maintain his PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate levels. This is NOT a negotiable step in keeping a fish, as these levels being off will result in poor quality of life, scale/fin damage, and likely a slow death.

    Test strips are inaccurate. The API Kit works by following the steps and testing the water in provided test tubes with chemical drops and colour matching the results to the colour sheet which is also provided. Ammonia should be 0, nitrite also 0, and nitrate 0 and PH between 6.5 and 8.

    Is this tank cycled? If you don’t understand the cycling process or much of what it means (most ppl don’t even though it’s also crucial) I can help explain 🙂

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