Hey guys, stumped here. I've had most of my bristlenose plecos and now 2 of my denison barbs die in my planted 75. Normal tests are all showing good, 0 ammonia 0 nitrate/nitrates. Shrimp colony is doing fine and plants havnt shown any issues. Any idea what could be causing it or what/how i should be testing for the issue? I did a 70% water change after the first deaths but it seems like I'm still dropping fish. Any ideas? Temp is sitting at 76 and I'm filtering through 2 sponges and a sump so I don't think oxygen is an issue.

Posted by littlehaz


  1. Interesting_Notice84 on

    If you are showing 0 on everything your tank isn’t cycled and that’s why your fish are dieing. Nitrates are good to have some, 10-20. You want 0 ammonia and nitrites.

  2. Check if your tests are expired or working properly, just in case it’s not reading right

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