First aquarium (40 gallon). I have quite a few rocks that I'll rinse before putting in, and I have fake plants for now which will also be rinsed. I have some driftwood soaking in the bathtub so it doesn't turn my tank brown when I put it in.

I plan on using pool filter sand as substrate. It should work right?

I also have a heater, filter, and some air stones to put in.

Anything I'm missing?

Posted by parknasty913


  1. SnooSuggestions8802 on

    Just make sure you cycle the tank properly first, maybe some api test kits and a bottle of bacteria help boost the start and speed of the cycle. Learn to know the nitrogen cycle. considering it’s your first time new tank syndrome is a thing , it could take some time patience is key !

  2. Sufficient_Leg_655 on

    Make sure to rinse your sand outside throughly before using it. But you can add some real plants now! It’ll help with the whole cycling of your aquarium if you plan on adding fish right away I’d get a quick start or the best beneficial bacteria you can find at your LFS

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