My cherry barb is sick. So far I have:
• Stopped feeding it 2days ago so it’ll fast.
• Checked the water in the tank.
• Giving the fish treatment ( esha 2000 and exit ).
• I gave the fish a small Epsom salt bath ( bowl with same temp water in tank, water conditioner and table spoon Epsom salt ) to act as a laxative for it.
I was going to try feeding it small chopped skinless peas but I think it’s nearing the end. This is the second or third time I’ve lost a fish this way. But I have never been able to stop it. I hate when this happens I’m just wondering how other people deal with this.

Posted by MathematicianAny6021

1 Comment

  1. I believe feeding them peas or mild laxatives once a month could help prevent this issue. Additionally, it’s better to keep them slightly underfed rather than overfed. I’ve also lost many fish in similar situations and understand the helplessness you’re feeling. It’s truly sad for the fish.

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