(Reposted because I couldn’t figure out how to add a photo)
Hi, I’m concerned about one of my platys. Out of the five in the tank, she? is the only one this fat, and recently I woke up to discover her "bumpy" (as sort of can be seen in the photos). Is this some sort of sickness or infection or is she pregnant? I tested the water parameters, and everything is fine albeit the GH needs to be increased a little bit.

Posted by FloraDevonian


  1. CertainMusician1921 on

    this is known as dropsy, caused so some sort of internal infection causing bloating in the fish. if you google it there are ways to treat it, but this fish looks too far gone and most will probably recommend for her to be euthanized with clove oil (also instructions online for that). i’m sorry about your fish!

  2. Dropsy is always a symptom of something else. At this point it’s way too far gone to be treated for anything and should be euthanised (and not fed to another fish).
    Whatever sickness or parasite it had would have been causing organs to fail and such which causes bloating, that bloating gets so severe that it pushes the scales outwards like a pinecone.

    You can easily use Clive oil to euthanise, you just separate the fish from the rest and put it in a separate cup/container with some water and mix in some clove oil. You’ll know if it’s not enough clove oil because it will still be “breathing” a few minutes later, if that happens just add more clove oil. After about 5 minutes at the right concentration of clove oil the fish will be euthanised. Do not flush the fish down the toilet, bury it or put it in the bin.

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