Hi all, I’ve had my little girl, Puddleduck for nearly two years but over the past few months I’ve watched her health decline. 80% of me is convinced she has worms because she’s had very long whitish stringy poops for so long now. I have tried everything I can think of and that is available in England to no avail. As a result of this, she’s also had fin rot which I assume is a secondary illness. I have tried everything from aquarium salt to antibiotics and even though it’s stopped progressing, it hasn’t gotten better either. The other 20% of me feels as though it’s old age. I don’t know how old she was when I got her but I would guess around 6 months which would make her a little over two years.

Anyway, in the last 24 hours she has been lying on the bottom of the tank. I fully expected to lose her last night so I slept right next to her tank with my hand on the glass and hysterically cried myself to sleep. I kept waking up every hour and I’d check on her and to my amazement and relief, she’s still hanging on now.

I’ve ordered some Seachem Metroplex from overseas as a ‘last chance saloon’ option and I’m praying until I’m blue in the face that she can hold on until it arrives but I’m terrified. So, so terrified of losing her.

She has been my whole world since the day I brought her home and she’s gotten me through some of the worst months of my life. I can’t even imagine a life without her in it and I know to some people that she’s ’just a fish’, but to me, she is so much more than that.

I literally can’t eat, my head is pounding from crying so much and every part of me wants this pain to go away. Her tank is on my bedside table and I have barely left the bedroom since this all started. I’ve made myself ill with worry. Nausea, tummy trouble and a head cold and cough. I know this sort of reaction probably isn’t normal but I have always struggled with the concept of dying. I hate change and I hate losing pets. I put myself through this because of the joy and hope they bring during their life with me but I just don’t think I can do this, I really don’t. Nothing can make it right again after it happens.

I’m begging the people of Reddit to help me through this. I feel like my whole life has changed ever since the reality hit me yesterday and I feel so incredibly depressed and I wish I knew what to do so please, any advice would be appreciated. I’d also be really grateful if you could send your prayers to Puddleduck that she can fight through this and get better again. 😭😭


Posted by duskyintolight


  1. NaturalStudent1991 on

    I know nearly nothing about betta fish but I’m sending so much empathy your way. No matter what happens please try to remember you have done everything you can to help get her through this and I’m sure she appreciates it and the memories/care you’ve provided her.

  2. AshamedLengthiness23 on

    In this difficult time, here are a few steps you can take to help Puddleduck and yourself:

    1. Keep Her Comfortable

    • Reduce Tank Stress: Dim the lights around her tank and keep noise levels low. This can help reduce stress for Puddleduck as she rests.
    • Maintain Water Quality: Regular, small water changes (about 10-15%) can help keep the water conditions optimal without overwhelming her. Make sure the water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are stable, as poor water quality can worsen her condition.
    • Control the Temperature: Keeping the water temperature steady at around 78°F (25-26°C) can make her more comfortable, as fluctuating temperatures can cause further stress.

    2. Continue with the Last-Chance Treatment

    • Seachem Metroplex: Once this arrives, follow the instructions carefully. This medication can help treat parasites, which may alleviate her symptoms if they are caused by worms or internal parasites. Ensure you dissolve the medication properly and consider dosing in a separate hospital tank, if possible, to isolate her during treatment.

    3. Consider an Epsom Salt Bath

    • An Epsom salt bath can sometimes help with internal issues and constipation. Use 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon of tank water in a separate container. Let her stay in the bath for about 10-15 minutes, but monitor her closely for any signs of stress. Epsom salt can help relieve bloating and discomfort associated with internal parasites.

    4. Feeding

    • Withhold Food Temporarily: Since she has had stringy white poop, it may indicate internal parasites or digestive issues. Temporarily withholding food for a day or two can help ease her system. When you resume feeding, consider offering her a small amount of food with anti-parasitic properties (like garlic-soaked food) to help boost her immune system.

    5. Look After Yourself

    • Practice Self-Care: As hard as it is, try to take small breaks to care for yourself. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, step away, drink some water, or try to eat something. Remember that you’re doing your best, and taking care of yourself will help you be there for her.
    • Seek Support: Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It could be a friend, a family member, or even an online community for pet loss support. Sharing your emotions can help lighten the burden.

    6. Prepare for Both Outcomes

    • It’s incredibly hard, but try to come to terms with the possibility that she might be at the end of her journey. She’s had a loving life with you, and you’ve given her the best care. Preparing for this emotionally can help you cope, and know that no matter the outcome, you’ve done everything in your power for her.

    7. Consider a Vet Consultation

    • If you haven’t already, consulting with an aquatic veterinarian (either in person or online) could provide additional guidance and support during this time.

    Puddleduck is very lucky to have such a loving and dedicated owner. You’ve done everything possible for her, and regardless of the outcome, you’ve given her a life filled with love and care. I’m here for any further questions you have, and I’ll continue to keep you both in my thoughts. Remember to breathe, take things one step at a time, and lean on others for support as you go through this.

  3. Most-Mine6580 on

    Was she full grown when you get her and how positive are you she was only 6 months old?
    If so add in the fact you’ve had her 2 years. She could be just old and not able to fight diseases as good . Especially if you’ve tried different treatments and it not working. It’s also harder for older bettas to handle ammonia spikes. I hate to say this to but death is a part of owning any animals it just sucks with fish cause they don’t live as long as other animals. If she not better after metroplex. I also hate to say this but you may need to asses her quality of life especially if she keeps declining your best bet would be euthanasia. You’ve clearly done a great job and gave her the best life a betta could ask for.

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