the first pic is about a month after i got him, and the next today. i’ve circled the spots that look concerning to me. his water parameters are good, however when i cleaned the objects in his tank today; it seemed like there was some paint coming off 😭 im a worried betta mother. i removed those objects and replaced with natural driftwood which i boiled for ten minutes. and he is seeming happy in his new environment. if this is mild fin rot; what should i do?

Posted by cognitohazrad


  1. IceColdTapWater on

    Erythromycin, kanamycin, or chloramphenicol for antibacterial. If they develop fungus methylene blue. Can also use aquarium salt if that’s more on hand. Some people argue a lot of medications with “fix” on them have oils that can cling to their gills potentially. So if you can’t find any antibiotics I listed, don’t go for the ones with tree/leaf oils.

  2. Just put salt in the water, and it will get healthy. Don’t treat the water with any chemical or any thing. Betta don’t like that.

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