Her name is tynamo and I got her yesterday, I did everything right like acclimating and my tank is cycled and the parameters are fine but she just hangs around and floats in place for a while then goes somewhere else and does the same thing. I’m kinda worried cause I’m just assuming she’d be going around and exploring her new tank but she’s just hanging around and occasionally going up for a breathe. Has this happened to anyone else and is it normal for a betta in a new environment?


Posted by VIC7OR_xD


  1. My tank size is 5 gallons, it has a heater and filter with the heater running at 78 degrees and it’s planted with nothing else but a mystery snail inside. The tank is cycled and I did tests with the PH being 6.5 and nitrates and nitrites both being close to 0 my tank is perfectly safe for fish.

  2. TheLostBean4646 on

    Since you just got her from a little cup in Petsmart, she’s not gonna be used to such an environment! She’s likely just relaxing and taking it all in and is being cautious as she slowly warms up. She seems completely healthy otherwise 🙂

  3. My betta did the same. Shed also hide a lot. Now that I’ve had her for 5 months she constantly stares at me when I’m near her and then goes back to sleep when I don’t feed her.

    You’ll notice very fast bettas have beer unique personalities! No two bettas behave the same, they’re truly like little cats

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