Ok…Was in a hurry and shopped for fish food while the lady at the pet store bagged my 2 “Sterbai corys.” Got home. One looks like a baby Pleco and this is the other one. Absolutely beautiful colors…there aren’t more at the pet store. I’m not sure what kind of cory this is, and while he seems to know where he’s going (I have a lot of plants and wood and he doesn’t bump into anything) he doesn’t appear to have eyes. The store can’t have him back because I now love him and don’t trust them to take care of him. 3 questions: do you know what kind he is? Is he blind? And will he get eyes back and if not, will he be a happy fish? He currently acts like my other corys which I’ve had for over a couple of years. Thanks!

Posted by Critical-Ad-4247


  1. WovenWingedOne on

    I’m certainly not an expert, and there are *so* many different cories, but he looks more like maybe a Venezuelan than a sterbai to me? As for the missing eyes…poor guy 🙁 but as long as he isn’t being bullied and you take care to feed him specifically, he’ll probably adapt ok to your tank.

  2. Definitely just a standard green corydora.

    Yes, he is blind and will not grow his eyes back.

    Catfish actually have “tastebuds” all over their body that allow them to navigate & locate food in murky waters in the wild. He should live a long and happy life.

  3. Twizzlers_and_donuts on

    This one looks to be a green or bronze cory cat fish (normally sell for about $5 if I’m remembering correctly). Your other fish from you other posts looks like a feather fin squeaker catfish (will get about a foot long).

    The Cory will not regrow its eyes but it can do just fine without them.

  4. Saint_The_Stig on

    I always kind of want to pick up any fish like this who needs a good home because of some issues. I was going to grab a Cory from a shipment to my local pet supply store that definitely was having a bad time with short missing fins, but it was a Glo Cory’s so pretty expensive. Luckily I came back next week and it had grown back enough that it wasn’t in a state of constant panic.

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