So I recently moved my tank to another spot and in the process accidentally melted my heater. While waiting for a replacement my stupid angel fish suddenly became aware that he is the big boy in the tank and has become a meany to my tiny fish resulting in 1 CPD's demise. Knew this was a risk when I saved his stupid ass from the place I got him. Now the tanks all back to normal my smarter fish are safe again but I have decided that my larger fish could do with a new tank and I should go back to my original plan of having exclusively nanos in this tank. How do people go about this? Also any unique stocking recommendations.
Tank 1: 150L 11 cardinal tetra, 3 CPD (will be going up for 11), 4 khuli loaches
Tank 2: maybe 300? (Havent decided but max length 120cm) 2 angel fish (want to go up to 4/6), 2 platy want to go up to (4/6)

Posted by Fantastic_Garbage502

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