Beginner tank owner here! I've been researching for weeks and after a failed fishless cycle I've finally taken my LFS's recommendation of a fish-in cycle with some hardier platys.

I bought three, and all males, as their advice and some on trusted local websites suggested it would reduce aggression to not have females present (and I didn't want breeding). They've since been constantly chasing each other, which fish is the most aggressive one and snapping at the others has changed over the week and a half I've had them, but they're still going at it.

I've researched like crazy to figure out community tank mate options (ideally I'd like at least three species at different levels), wanting a peaceful tank… but no one can agree on what fish species are actually peaceful! I've wanted to add albino cherry barbs next, but some people say they are not actually peaceful despite every website telling me otherwise (even read a comment this morning to the tune of "who told you they are peaceful?"), and that they're actually really bad fin nippers. I've looked at panda corys, but some resources are telling me they bully each other to death??

I feel like tearing my hair out over this!! Can anyone actually definitively say what are good hardy peaceful fish types and combinations for beginners, or does it all come down to individual fish personalities and luck? I don't want to add fish to a tank if it's just going to torment them, but YEESH.

Posted by loribell27


  1. Alternative_View_531 on

    It is just a case of your mileage might vary.
    Yes forums will say different things but at the end of the day it is dependant on the fishes personality.

    In your case I mean it depends how much violence you’re willing to tolerate, I own a African cichilid tank and I gotta yell ya, I doubt your platys are as aggressive as they are. Some aggression is okay, and if you want… ANOTHER suggestion, swap out the plattys you think are aggressive with another one and observe their behaviors, you could find friendlier platys

    Second it is also a case of, are you providing your fish the needed amount of hides or sight line blockers that can curb some amount of aggression too.
    It seems like you are but it’s a good thing to consider

  2. You shouldn’t have any issues with panda cories, they are extremely peaceful fish. Cherry barbs really shouldn’t be a big issue either. Unless you’re starting to see signs of fish having issues like torn fins, missing scales, etc., they’re probably not fighting each other.

  3. RainyDayBrightNight on

    Most of it is genuinely individual temperament and luck. That said, the bigger the species group, the less aggression happens.

    I never recommend that beginners have any less than five livebearers in a group. Technically three is the minimum for high quality of life, but that supposed that the three get on well. Randomly buying them in a store makes that a huge gamble.

    I’ve found that small schooling fish tend to be the most peaceful. Getting a group of eight of any of the following would almost certainly have no issues;
    1. Green neon tetras
    2. Cardinal tetras
    3. Ember tetras
    4. Chili rasboras
    5. Celestial Pearl danios
    6. Lampeye killifish
    7. Pygmy corys
    8. Peppered corys
    9. Panda corys

    What size is your tank?

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