I'm not new to aquariums, but I am not highly knowledgeable, either. I guess I've just been lucky. My problem is cloudy/hazy water. Tank is 55 gallons.

This is a new/fresh setup, using rocks and gravel from a previous setup (all of which were thoroughly cleaned prior to re-use), as well as some new artificial plants (again, cleaned before use).

Filter is brand new, and is an Aquaclear 70 power filter, using the filter materials that came with the unit. Heater is also brand new, and is a HiTauing 200 watt unit, currently running a stable temperature of 78.2° F.

I have been running the tank for just over 4 weeks, and did a full water test with an API freshwater master test kit yesterday, and all tests are showing that the tank is balanced and ready for fish. pH, high range pH, nitrite, and nitrate are all as good as they get.

This damned haze is bugging the hell out of me, though! What could be the cause, and what can I do to clear it up? I appreciate any and all help that I can get!

Posted by 666Irish


  1. As a bit of an aside, I also have yet to decide what to put in it. I’m wanting a community tank with 2 or 3 different species, and perhaps a bottom species as well for cleaning/maintenance. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

  2. 666_FallenAngel_666 on

    So the haze is called a bacterial bloom, it happens during the cycling process. It completely normal, though means you still aren’t ready for fish unless you want to do a fish in cycle.

    The tank should be on its way to being fully cycled after a month, have you been feeding the tank?

  3. RainyDayBrightNight on

    It might be a light bacterial bloom, or it might just be a bit of dust in the water. The photos don’t look very foggy so it’s hard to tell.

    If it’s a bacterial bloom, you could try a UVC steriliser filter for a few days to kill it off.

    If it’s foggy water, you could try adding Seachem purigen to the filter, though remember that it’ll remove medication from the tank.

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