What are these and can they harm shrimp

Posted by OkKaleidoscope8800


  1. Bella-betta-3624 on

    Sorta looks like daphnia if so they’re not harmful and Shrimps can benefit from them 🙂

  2. SmolWavingPolarBear on

    SCUDS! They’re harmless and adorable! I have a tank dedicated to them, they love the filter media and sand. Great treats for any fish that can eat them.

  3. hysterical_smiley on

    Seed shrimps and scuds can cohab with shrimps just fine. They’ll eat whatever the shrimp don’t eat, so be careful not to over feed the tank or the army will grow, and they can potentially out compete the shrimps. If you ever add small fish to this tank (assuming it’s at least 5 gal) or have a bigger tank with fish, they’re free live food. Just suck em out with a turkey baster if you have to transfer them around

  4. Chillingo117_ on

    More likely to be seed shrimp than scuds due to a lack of segmented joints and their small size.

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