I have a tank (at least 3 years old) with some Sterbai Cory, Emperor Tetras and Lemon Tetras. I recently noticed that both tetras have developed a taste for my sinking wafers. They previously just ignore them but these last few months, they are eating them like a feeding frenzy, soo my Sterbai can't even compete because those Tetras are fast. I lost a Sterbai Cory yesterday and one last month and i suspect this was the issue. I'm planning to replace the cories but i need a way to guarantee that they actually get to eat. I also seem to have the same problem in another tank but with Glowlight Tetra and my Kuhli Loach, but this combination is relatively new as I've just added the Kuhli loach 2 weeks ago. Soo I also need to solve the same issue in this tank. Any suggestions?

Posted by AmmarBaagu


  1. Artistic_Vacation541 on

    Just give more food then clean it up later or separate them to different aquarium.

    You may try other sinking wafers that is slightly bigger so that the Tetras cannot pick it up ?

  2. You can also break the wafer up into several parts. Mix them in with regular flakes and you’ll have a better chance of some of the waver parts making it to the bottom.

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