I have a 75 gallon tank with a canister filter that I have done 2 water changes with a pretty strong gravel vacuum of about 45-50% total water over the last 24 hours and my nitrate is still higher than I want it to be. Any suggestions? Everything else for levels is good here is a picture of my api liquid test

Posted by AdElegant2719


  1. 4 months now and I’m very good about water changes normally I do about 30-40% once a week I add microbe lift extreme water conditioner, microbe lift special blend and microbe lift nite out for all water changes I honestly feel like I’m doing literally everything as good as I can even adding a slightly extra amount of special blend and nite out and still the nitrates are high. (This is the first time I’ve had this issue) on a side note as I’m writing this I don’t know if it matters but to save money I decided to use the bulk strips of carbon sponge, ammonia sponge, and bulk filter floss in the canister filter this go around it’s been in there about a week and a half that really is the only change I can think of

  2. FancyGoldfishes on

    Without a whole lot more information – it appears your tank is cycling fine.

    If you’ll share pH, total fish count including type, planted (heavily, light or not) and types of filter(s) we can add a little more for you.

    If you disturbed the substrate a LOT with a heavy vacuum, you’ve probably kicked a lot of waste into the water column and it’s moving through the cycle to Nitrate. Maybe clean your filter with another partial water change (don’t disturb the substrate) and see where it settles out to then.

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