Ugh. My husband pulled a ME on me.
Stopped by PetSmart to get night crawlers. I grab the worms and he's all WE NEED TO SAVE A BETTA!!!
No. No. No. We do not need a Betta, I do not want a Betta. Please meet Mr. Betta. 🤦
Driving home, we found out that his cup leaks from the bottom. So I guess technically we saved a Betta.
He's in my planted guppy tank for now. Also he's very very skinny. 😔
They had soooo many Bettas in poor condition or just dead. My husband is not a fish guy at all, I'm the tank addict. So I guess they all pulled on his heart a lot. I always just have to put my blinders on when getting my Bichir treats as they're right next to the Bettas.

Posted by pocketedsmile

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