Hank in the Tank has some scarring from his finrot that he had a few months ago.We got rid of the finrot quite quickly (hooray) and a while back I thought it came back, so I took him to the vet.

The vet I saw is a specialist vet for fish (you would not believe how hard a fish vet is to find in Western Australia omg) and she said that the bacterial infection is gone (fin rot infection free) and his raggedy fins are like that because of scarring from it.

I've tried API stresscoat and indian almond leaves to try kick-start some fin regrowth but alas he looks raggedy as hell.

any ideas?
This is what he looks like relaxed and flared.


Posted by sadgirlkermit

1 Comment

  1. Tank Details!
    0 ammonia and nitrites
    10ppm nitrates
    pH 7
    fully cycled
    water is conditioned
    filter and heater (26.5°C)
    planted 70L tank (Baby’s Tears, water wisteria, anubias, blue strica, mini saggitaria)

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