I have caught hundreds of yellow perch in my life, most around 8-10”, the biggest being maybe 12” one time, and I thought that was huge. They usually have redworm so I don’t bother keeping them. I was drifting the bottom with some live shiners today looking for crappie or white perch and pulled in this 14” behemoth today. I had no idea yellows could get this big. The pic doesn’t even do it justice because my hands are huge.

What’s the biggest yellow you’ve ever caught? And in what state?

This is in CT in lake Candlewood.

Posted by AJSAudio1002


  1. I think you’re pretty close to the max length that most of them ever reach. I’ve caught them close to that length but also significantly fatter in Ontario. Didn’t bother checking for parasites, but they were delicious…

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