Hi so i have started fishibg this year. Due to schedule reasons I only had less than 10 fishing trips but with each and every one of them i noticed that no fish want to bite. I DONT GET IT. The weirdest part is, is that the fish also dont bite with the other guys that i am fishing with and they get tons of fish when i am not with them. Wth is my luck. Pls help me find the reason for that horrendous luck that i have and excuse my english.

Posted by Desperate-Quality-12


  1. Desperate-Quality-12 on

    The thing is, i am posting this while on a 8h fishing trip and absolutely nothing. The conditions are perfect too……

  2. Need to give a lot more info. What gear are you using? What lures are you using? Are you using the lures correctly? What fish are you targeting? Where are you?

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