I am so stressed and freaked for him. He looks so depressed. He’s mostly just laying there on the substrate either next to the glass or behind plants. He swims up sometimes but it’s rare. I have no idea what to do.

It was hard feeding him. He avoids my hand and would even spit out the food ( Bug Bites), he eventually did eat them once I crushed them to be a bit smaller, I just to try and push him to eat he seemed completely uninterested.

I just got him last night and it’s his first day in his new tank(45 litres so around 11 US gallons) . He’s living in here with 6 amano shrimp that he doesn’t seem to brother. The tank is a planted tank, has floaters and has a pothos growing its cycled and with a filter and heater.

I ordered him a betta cave thing that hasn’t arrived yet.

The tank right now is at 24.8°C and the parameters are:

Nitrite = 0ppm
Ammonia= 0ppm
Nitrate= 30ppm

My tap water is about 10ppm nitrate and 30ppm looks the lowest I can get it with water changes etc. I’m hoping as the pothos grows it’ll steadily decrease.

No clue what to do.


Posted by ab1348d


  1. Moving into a new tank is usually stressful. Refusing food is common the first couple days. Give your little guy some time to adjust to the new setting. Also temp is a little low…see if you can move it up to 25.6C

  2. the_Animal_Keeper on

    Oh my god he’s stunning I just had to say it. I’ve dreamt of a deep blue betta like him for so long but I got my little guy and hes teal and red but my good your little man is stunning.

  3. Your aquarium is way better than a lot of people that come through here. I love the Plant Cultivation soil substrate and the live plants like Amazon Frogbit and that lace fern looking plant.
    As long as everything is heated no more than 30 Celsius, you’re getting some Carnivorous foods into it like Bloodworms, Blackworms, Mosquito Larvae and maybe some nutrient rich Betta Pelleted foods and you’re maintaining the water chemistry you should be golden. That means no ammonia, no Nitrite and little to no Nitrate.
    i would add something like Seachem stability and Seachem Prime, every water change just to keep the biofiltration up to par, as well of course your dechlorinator and some Aquatic Salts for the fish.
    Betta Splendens like pictured are considered Carnivorous not Omnivorous, so any food that’s going in should always be meaty/insecty foods.

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