Wanted to share a few of the bass I caught this year plus the gorgeous spot I caught them all. I know there's still plenty of fishing to be had before it's over, I had a lot of chances to get out on the water this year and an amazing season and I'm too excited not to share even though it's not over.

The last bass pictured was a blast to catch. I was sandwiched between two fallen logs and I just KNEW there had to be something big in there. I casted and thought I caught a log at first until I felt and saw my line moving. He came up to the surface enough so I could see him, then went to dive below one of the big logs! Luckily my line was short enough at that point to keep him up, he jumped out of the water once before I managed to swing him around to the right of my kayak and scoop him up. That was a fun FUN fish to catch.

I know probably not super impressive, but like I said I am over the moon with how this season has went as is going and I just need to share. Hope someone enjoys this post. Happy fishing y'all πŸ™‚

Posted by Pikeur603


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