I’ve had this guy about 48 hours. I’m hoping he's still just tired, but i'm starting to worry something more serious is going on. He spends a lot of time on the bottom, and just generally seems to have a hard time swimming. I’ve seen him swim up to the top once or twice, but he doesn't seem too interested in food. The majority of the time he hangs out on the bottom like this. He was a bit lethargic at the store, but I was expecting him to perk up at least a little bit by now. I know he's probably still adjusting, but when should I start really worrying something is wrong? Is there anything I can do for him? I have already added a little seachem stress guard to the tank. Thank you for your help!


Posted by bluegirlrosee


  1. 10 gallon tank.

    Filter and heater, temp at 80 degrees.

    Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20ppm according to API master test kit.

    Had the tank 1 year, had the fish 48 hours.
    10% water change weekly.

    1 nerite snail tankmate.

    I feed Fluval bug bites and ultra fresh betta pro shrimp patties, but the poor guy isn’t interested in either.

    Tank is moderately planted and has driftwood and rocks as decor. I also have a floating betta log. Plenty of resting spots all the way to the top of the tank.

  2. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    That looks like swim bladder, the lethargy, clamped fins, vertical position, and fast breathing. Dude also looks malnourished, I would get a hospital tank with clean, warm shallow water and salt. Also try to fatten him up with bloodworms or mysis shrimp. Pet stores are evil and definitely caused this so not your fault at all, please update on how he’s doing

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