Hurricane Helene hit hard where I live. I live in college apartments but I had to evacuate to my great grandparents cause my power was out and cell service is completely dead where I was. I didn’t know how long I would be away, so I decided to take my betta and Cory with me, I put them in a pot with their tank water, almond leaves, floater plants, and brought an air stone with me. I don’t have a portable filter so I decided that I would just do routine water changes till I could go back. I was scared that if I left them in stagnant water(powers out so no filter), that the ammonia levels might spike. I’m still a new fish keeper, I didn’t know what was right. When I got to my great grandparents he was fine, nothing unusual about him and he was swimming around like always, my great grandmother insisted that I change the container I had them in and she handed me a huge plastic Tupperware bowl. I added a bit of water in that Tupperware, dechlorinated it, did test strips, and slowly started the acclimation process. After that was done I moved them fully to that bowl and attached the air stone. After about an hour and a half I went to go check on them and my dear friend was dead. I’ve only had him for 3 weeks. We finally started to bond and he started showing his real character. I just posted about him a couple days ago. I feel awful. I don’t know what the right thing to do was. I had just finally decided on a name 2 nights ago. I’m sorry Spring Roll.

Posted by Ok-Raisin7348


  1. Alternative-Koala247 on

    this is so sad 🙁 there’s not a whole lot you could’ve done, especially being a new fish keeper in a situation like this is stressful. it’s not at all your fault so don’t blame yourself. you seem like you cared about him, took care of him, and started bonding with him which is all a fish can ask for from their human. i’m sorry for your loss and i’m sorry the hurricane hit your area 🙁 i hope you get a new little friend one day! if something like this ever happens again, honestly don’t be afraid to bring the whole tank and drain it a little bit and take everything other than the plants out. rip spring roll

  2. I’m sorry for your loss. My heart is hurting for all these posts of everyone hit by Helene and losing so much. You did the right thing and tried to save him.

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