My genius son managed to get himself stuck in the holes of one of his tank’s shrimp hides. He was unsuccessful in getting himself out, and instead only wedged himself in further and shredded up his scales and fins. I managed to break apart the ceramic hide to free him, but now he is missing significant scales on his back and belly, as well as some serious tearing and shredding of his front fins he uses to swim. I have him in a separate cup rn doing a dip with a little bit of aquarium salt and paraguard to prevent infection, and I plan to go out today and get a small quarantine tank and stress coat.
He’s not completely listless, but he’s not moving much. I tried to nudge a few tiny pieces of food towards him that he tried to grab but was unsuccessful.
Is there anything else I can do to help him recover quickly and safely?

Posted by madgames99

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