I got this little guy three weeks ago and he passed this Sunday. Checked water quality and everything, checked O2, but all within normal range. Only thing I could think of is his fins? like, I got him like this (see picture). I know getting a fish from a pet store means they won't always be in the best condition, so I thought his fins would, like, come back together?

First time owning a fish and a pet on my own, so was there something wrong with his fins?


Posted by shrimpers05


  1. His fins are fine if he was a crowntail. Giving us more precise info and answering the automod’s questions would help.

  2. posting some actual parameters and numbers would be much more helpful than just saying everything was “normal”. my best guess would be is that the tank isn’t cycled

  3. Independent_Pin1041 on

    You need to read about the nitrogen cycle and do some serious research. You probably gave your fish ammonia or nitrite poisoning

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