It started with just a white and red spot .. I went to the petstore and they said it was nothing to worry about, he had just hit his fin. Not even 24hours later he had this going on all over his fin… Now all his fin has it. I give him salt bath. Also, my fish won't eat and the store said he had a parasite… I'm trying to save it … I also has 3 tiny Corydoras pygme and now I fear that they might get sick. I also has 2 shrimps amomo.

The petstore guy said that this fish will die. I just didn't count with the fin rot?? Is it fin rot? When I Google I can't find any picture that looks like this.

Size of aquarium : 8 gallons
Temperature: 24-25 Celsius
Water change : 24 sept

Posted by FunkyLek

1 Comment

  1. Looks like a bacterial infection to me. You should get some antibiotics. Do you know the water parameters? If not you should get some tests.i had problems with my fish because of high copper in the tap water. Are you using water conditioner when you change the water?

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