Please advice and second pic it’s my new hillstream loach

Posted by Leo_8852


  1. You could leave the plant floating. No issues with that some plants even prefer to be left floating. If you know the exact type of plant search it up and do some research. But generally leaving plants floating won’t cause any harm

  2. Thank you guys I thought it was gonna create some apart of bad thing lol 😆 sorry I am a noob on this and I have learn so munch in This community thank you so much

  3. some plants really need soil, but ime this one specifically can deal with almost any conditions lol. depending on your parameters/bioload you may need to dose liquid ferts but these (red ludwigia?) are pretty good at existing and spreading as long as theres SOME light and nutrients

    edit: not sure what the one with the slimmer leaves is. not sure how it would fare, couldnt hurt to see 🤷‍♂️

    worst case scenario they start melting/dying, in that case i’d remove them so the decomposition doesnt mess with your water quality. but waiting until you see obvious signs of rot couldnt hurt

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