So, meet Saffron! I picked her up a couple days ago at Petsmart and she was labeled as a “special buy”; I had no idea what type or gender she was (and I’m still not 100% tbh) but I knew she was way too pretty to not come home with me, so home she came!

  1. I was curious about if it’s normal for bettas to get super excited to see you when it’s literally like their first or second day in a new home – when I come in the room she comes right up to the top to see me, wiggling around like a puppy and having little zoomies. Also when I’m in the room and not next to the tank, I get the ultimate staredown from her and it’s so ridiculous but also hilarious 😭 are bettas normally this fast to warm up or did I pick the weirdo of the bunch? 💀 I’ve seen all kinds of people saying how their betta hid from them for a week before finally coming out, and lil miss here never once hid and has been super curious and outgoing from day 1. I get they all have different personalities, I’m just interested in which personalities are more “normal”!

  2. Is 2 pellets really enough per day? I feel like a bad mom because of the way she comes to the top begging for food like a starving child in a third world country but I keep telling her no, that she will get fat and constipated if I keep feeding her even if she’s lookin mad cute 🥹

  3. She seems to be disinterested in flakes but gobbles up pellets like it’s Thanksgiving dinner and she’s the first in line grabbing all the damn rolls before anyone else can get them. Is it normal for bettas to prefer one over the other or maybe they gave her flakes at the store and now she’s like “meh”? She will even take pellets off my fingertip above the water but won’t ever go for flakes.

  4. She’s with cory catfish and she flares at them very menacingly but never tries to nip them that I’ve seen, just gets all up in their face. So is she just trying to say she’s the top dog or is she going to hurt them? Obviously they’re totally oblivious and just sit there or flinch away when she gets too close but I don’t want her being too mean to them 😭 also I’m wondering if maybe she’ll chill and get used to them since this is day 3 of her being home!

Sorry for the long post but I’m a curious woman. Any insight or comments are appreciated 🥰

Posted by iridium_xo

1 Comment

  1. Hi! Few things to know about betta fish:

    They don’t typically like tank mates. If your betta is too stressed it might be time to remove them but every betta is different so that’s on you

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