40 gallon breeder (about a year old) running off two sponge filters with a 100 gallon tetra whisper air pump

Currently stocked: 1 electric blue acara, 1 moonlight gourami, 1 pearl gourami, 3 bolovian rams, and 1 bristlenose pleco

Plants: Anubias, Anacharis, Water Wisteria
I dose thrive all in one aquarium fert once or twice a week and I use flourish root tabs for my wisteria

Lighting: hygger 36W full spectrum light which runs 10 hours a day

Food: I feed blood worms and brine shrimp a few times a week and hikari cichlid gold, bug bites sinking pellets, bug bites color enhancing flakes, and omega one veggie pellets daily. Can’t get my pleco to eat algae wafers to save my life.

Water parameters: I do a 25% water change every 7-10 days. Levels are always golden but often times my nitrates are pretty high even a few days after a water change (30-40ppm). I think I may be over feeding or not sucking enough poop out. Not sure

Let me know what you think!

Posted by AntsTasteLikeFruit

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