He’s got a severe kink in his back and is about half the size he should be. My LFS gave him to me because they know me, and they knew no one would buy him. He’s in a 3G planted tank; anything bigger would cause problems because he has a difficult time swimming down.

Saying that, he’s spunky- he immediately killed a couple of small rams horn snails in his tank and has been patrolling the top third of the tank to make sure nothing moves higher. The snails are terrified.

I’ve decided to name him Merrick. Hopefully, he has a happier life with me than he would in a cup on a shelf.


Posted by Hot-Praline-8944


  1. Sharp-Common-9929 on

    Bless your heart for saving this fella, he’s gorgeous and his name suits him so much ❤️ I hope he has many days, months and years with you!

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