When I first got my betta fish, Vanta, 4 months ago he had two discolored scales above his right eye. Slowly over the months the spot has evolved to be larger and more opaque. I’m extremely scared it’s columnaris after a little research. But I tend to jump to the worse case scenario. I need someone to tell me if I’m freaking out over nothing, or if I’m freaking out with reason.

I have no experience treating disease, nor the supplies to do so.

I’ll be absolutely devastated if he doesn’t make it. Vanta is my first pet that I’ve adopted and taken care of myself and he’s very special to me. Please help.


Posted by WerewolfKey6995


  1. AppropriateYoghurt22 on

    I agree with you that there is something there. I don’t have the experience to diagnose it so we’ll wait to see what others say.

  2. Columnaris is tends to kill very quickly. Is there a texture that’s out of the ordinary to the other scales? Or is it just the color/finish that differs? How is he behaving and eating?

    If he’s eating fine, relatively active, and it’s just the color of the scales that is changing I’d say he’s fine. Bettas can change A LOT and quickly. So unless it looks like a wound, fuzz, or lump i wouldn’t worry.

    Here’s a pic of my guy when i first got him, I’ll attach a pic of him now so you can see the difference.


  3. It’s really too poor a pic to tell. Look up hole in the head. I think it’s unlikely but watch him and see what you think. Fresh water to start.

  4. I agree that it’s too early to tell. Has his behavior changed? Also 8 pellets a day is a lot. My girl gets about half that, and I only feed once a day.

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