Hi everyone 👋 newish betta/fish owner here.
I’m in the process of upgrading my buddy’s tank from a 2.5 gallon to 6. I bought a tank, some plants and driftwood from Petco yesterday. I get home and start the tank cycling process only to find out that the tank is leaking. The closest petco to me is an hour drive and I won’t be able to go till next weekend.

What is the best way of storing these Java ferns? Can I leave them in the tube? Throw them in a bucket or in his current tank?

Also his tank is always slightly cloudy. Does anyone know why? I’ve tested the water and everything this is within normal range


Posted by dekutree3


  1. Independent_Pin1041 on

    Is it fully cycled? Looks like bacterial bloom from the cloudy water but could be other things too. I’d personally pop the plants into his tank rn to give them the best chance at survival. You could even just float them at the top to not make a mess atm

  2. I used to work at a petco these things can last a decent amount of time no worries just don’t put any in direct sunlight on a hot day. Luckily my manager was understanding hahaha.

  3. You can put them in the current tank, Java-Fern is a epiphyte so you don’t want to plant it anyways, it’ll be fine floating or bound to a rock/wood

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