My wife and I got our first aquarium because this lol guy broke my heart in his cup. Have Betta(Gator), ghost shrimp originally to test temperament for cleaners and they get along, 2 Otocinclus Catfish since they school and our Betta isn't aggressive. He's always had this white spot on his back and I think it's just coloration but want to check. Water is 0 amm, nitrate/trite, 7.5 ph (steady), 78 degrees, low flow filter, 3 kinds of live plants and some plastic decorations until we get more plants. The gator stays since he's named gator.

Also we've had him a month so I don't think he's going to get much more colorful, thoughts? He's beautiful as is but just wondering.

Thanks y'all!

Posted by Shagwagbag

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