Hey, so I picked up a Betts from petco. I generally wouldn't buy a fish from there, but I walked past him and the guy looked moments from death. I took him home and set him up with a 5 gallon tank I'd had in storage and a handful a plants I picked up. The tank was set up new so it hadnt been cycled. I used some soil from an existing tank and some quick start to try to get it cycling. The water reads 0 for ammonia. See attached kit photos for my other parameters. I have a heater in there, buts the waters been reading cooler than i would like. 72-74 F. I have a heater with a controllable thermostat coming. He hasn't eaten since I got him 4 days ago.Mostly lies in the bottom of the tank. He also likes chilling up against the filter intake too. I have tried feeding him both pellets and thawed blood worms. I went to the local fish store (a real one, not petco) and they basically told me the little guy was dying. They gave me maracyn a told me to try treating him with that. I moved him from the larger tank back to his smaller cup so I could ensure treatment and also regulate the temperature better while he hopefully recovers. Is there anything else I can do for him? Any big mistakes I can correct?


Posted by TenebrisGlacies

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